Passions 4 You was created with you in mind! Yes You
Our main desire is to serve you and enhance your quality of life. Passions 4 You is inspired from our childhood growing up in a rough neighborhood, where there was poverty, crime and mental illness all around us.
We know that there are many factors that play into the lives of millions of people living in the circumstances we grew up in. Passions 4 You wants to know- does it have to be this way? In our journey to find answers, a few statistics stood out: 300 million people around the world suffer from depression, 1 in 5 adults in the USA experiences mental illness in a given year and 1 in 25 adults in the USA will experience severe mental illness to the extent that it will substantially impact their quality of life.
In all the above circumstances the mind is in a State of Hate.
From self destructive mental chatter to a young kid not liking another kid just because he is from a different block, to the resentment that builds up in the individual that barely has enough money to purchase a good meal.
Sometimes the reality of the millions of people living in a depressed state of being is too painful to bear. Something should be done about this, wouldn't you agree?
Passions 4 you wants to uplift, influence, and inspire people all over the world! And we are going to do this one shirt at a time. Our shirts were produced with the intent to share positive messages that spread love and enhance positivity around the world! We truly believe that our shirts will help heal people and communities.
Just thing of it this way, we wear clothes for fashion- so why not wear clothes for a meaning? one that is positive.
When you support Passions 4 You, you are taking part in a revolution to change the world for a good cause. Not only will our clothes leave you feeling uplifted, inspired and encouraged, a portion of our profits will be donated to various charities in our community.
After having great success in our clothing we thought we should offer other products that would have meaningful content.
As we grow we continue to add products that will make you feel good or be put to good use so that you can feel great about your hard earned money being spent well.
Our mission is to spread messages with meaning around the world to heal and enhance ones life.
But we cant do it alone, let’s work together to spread positive messages in the world, so that the generations to come have a solid foundation to build on.
Thank You for supporting our mission!